just a lil me

just a lil me
yours truly



J'ai tout cet amour et pas où le mettre. I have all this love and no where to put it. Je suis très

So I pride myself in three things: 1. my poetry, 2. my laugh, and 3. my ability to make others laugh. If I don't do at least 2 out of 3 of things then my day is not going too swell. But I love LIFE!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

a whole WEEK!

okie doke so adjusting to tennessee life is something very interesting to say the VERY least but that comment is not to say i dont LOVE LOVE it here and my newfound indenpence :) so the air out here is very dry apparently thats why my voice has been playing hide&seek so thats always fun i wake up and say "testing 1,2,3 testing 1,2,3 lol its a trip and the ONLY thing that bought my voice was hot tea INSANE really, and me not talking is prob as close to death as i can get so..
but on the bright side i am a surviovor of a catergory 2 tsunami!!  i only peed and i hear this gurgle and then its immediately followed by 2inches of water so needless to say i have no bath towels and my lovely roomate could not keep a straight face so i had to put on my big girl panties on and deal with itoverflow cartoons, overflow cartoon, overflow picture, overflow pictures, overflow image, overflow images, overflow illustration, overflow illustrations ickk is an understatement! oh big the glass is always 1/2 full i start p90x today! that will be ummmvery interesting it will prob be a week before i can post again because i have to recover lol